How do I send XLM to a supported exchange or wallet?

  • Updated
This requires Crypto Mode to be enabled. For more information on how to enable Crypto Mode, visit our article "How do I enable Crypto Mode?".

To transfer XLM to an Exchange:

  1. Sign in to your Vibrant account
  2. Tap on XLM*
  3. Tap on Withdraw
  4. Tap on “Transfer to an Exchange”
  5. Click Next
  6. Paste the 56-letter Stellar address and memo provided by the exchange you want to send the funds to
  7. Enter the amount you want to transfer
  8. Review your transaction
  9. Click “Transfer” to submit your transfer request**

*Please confirm that the exchange where you are sending the funds supports XLM.

**While each transfer processes in seconds, crypto exchanges may take up to 30 minutes to recognize this transaction in your account.

To transfer to a Stellar Wallet :

  1. Sign in to your Vibrant account.
  2. Tap on XLM
  3. Tap on Withdraw
  4. Tap on “Transfer to a Stellar Wallet”
  5. Paste your Stellar or Federated address
  6. Add memo if provided by the wallet you want to send the funds to
  7. Click continue
  8. Enter the amount you want to transfer
  9. Review your transaction
  10. Click “Send” to confirm your transaction**

*Please confirm that the exchange where you are sending the funds to supports XLM

**This transaction is final and there is no way to revert it. Please make sure that you are sending to the correct address, and the correct asset.

Additional details: The value will be added to your wallet in XLM. If you want to send USDC, visit our article "How do I send Stellar USDC to a supported Exchange or Wallet?".


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