This requires Crypto Mode to be enabled. For more information on how to enable Crypto Mode, visit our article "How do I enable Crypto Mode?". |
To transfer Stellar USDC to an Exchange:
- Sign in to your Vibrant account.
- Tap on "Stellar USDC"
- Tap on "Withdraw"
- Tap on “Transfer to exchange”
- Click Next
- Paste the 56-letter Stellar address and memo provided by the exchange you want to send the funds to
- Add memo if provided by the wallet you want to send the funds to
- Click continue
- Enter the amount you want to transfer
- Review your transaction
- Click “Transfer” to submit your transfer request**
*Please confirm that the exchange where you are sending the funds to supports Stellar USDC.
**While each transfer processes in seconds, crypto exchanges may take up to 30 minutes to recognize this transaction in your account.
To transfer Stellar USDC to a Stellar Wallet :
- Sign in to your Vibrant account.
- Tap on Stellar USDC
- Tap on Send
- Tap on “Send to a Stellar Address”
- Paste your Stellar or Federated address
- Add memo if provided by the wallet you want to send the funds to, or leave it blank if you don't have a memo
- Click continue
- Enter the amount you want to transfer
- Review your transaction
- Click “Send” to confirm your transaction**
*Please confirm that the wallet where you are sending the funds to supports Stellar USDC.
**This transaction is final and there is no way to revert it. Please make sure that you are sending to the correct address, and the correct asset.
Additional details: The value will be added to your wallet in USDC. If you want to send XLM, please visit our article "How do I send Stellar XLM to a supported exchange or wallet?".
Unlock the power of the digital dollar and take control of your financial journey! Visit for the latest Vibrant news. |
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